Reduces Mold1 Spores and Bacteria3 that cause lingering odors.

Destroys Musty Odors Caused by Mold1
Independent studies confirm that Puraclenz dynamically destroys mold spores mid-air and on exposed surfaces, continuously cleaning throughout a typical indoor space 24/7. Puraclenz reduces musty odors by stopping mold growth.

Treat Bodily Smells from Bacteria3
Laboratory studies show that Puraclenz is over 99% effective at reducing dangerous bacteria in the air including those that cause obnoxious odors like smelly clothes, sweaty workout gear and equipment. Puraclenz also deactivates bacteria from exposed surfaces in tough-to-reach places.
Breathe Easy with Puraclenz.
Scientifically Proven Technology.
Puraclenz products use an evolved form of photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) previously used to provide clean air for astronauts in the International Space Station. Our science-backed technology is proven by third party laboratory tests.
Our Customer Reviews.
1 In independent laboratory testing, the Photon purifier was 99.75% effective at reducing Candida albicans from surfaces and 95.1% effective at reducing Aspergillus brasiliensis in the air.
2 In independent laboratory testing, the Photon purifier was 99.4% effective at reducing MS2 bacteriophage virus in the air and 58% effective at reducing SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces.
3 In independent laboratory testing, the Photon purifier was 99.7% effective at reducing dangerous bacteria Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis in the air and 95% effective at reducing dangerous bacteria Staphylococcus aureus on surfaces.