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Core 750 Filter
Core 750 Filter
Core 750 Filter
Core 750 Filter
Core 750 Filter
Core 750 Filter

Core® 750 Filter

Replacement Filter for model Core 750 Purifier.

All Filters are Final Sale - not eligible for 30 day return free trial offer or promotional discounts.

HEPA and Carbon Combo Filter.
The Filter design uses 3 layers to remove pathogens. Pre-Filter removes large particles such as pet hair. True HEPA filters 99.97% of dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, allergens, mold and bacteria. Activated carbon captures odors and volatile organic compounds.
Maintenance & Care.
The Filter needs to be replaced every 4-6 months depending on the air quality of the installation space. This time duration assumes 24/7 continuous use. Core purifiers include an easy care indicator light that automatically notifies when to order and change the Filter. It is easy to replace the Filter in minutes. Compatible with model C750.

Core 750 Filter Technical Specifications
Main Filter
H13 True HEPA Filter
Carbon Filter
250 grams Activated Carbon
Number of filters
Recommended filter change
4-6 months when used 24 hours a day
Core​ Filter
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  • Ships only to the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia.

All Replacement Parts Sales are Final - Not eligible for our 30-day money-back guarantee or other sitewide promotional offers. Express shipping charges are not eligible for a refund.

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